The Family had a great two week vacation. Two days driving to the western edge of New Mexico, Several days there, and two days driving back home. A lot of driving! The kids do good in the car. they take games and watch DVDs.

We got to go camping! It was cold at night, hot during the day, but really fun.
We even roasted marshmallows

We saw beautiful wild flowers.

We were camping in Cunningham Gulch, Co. The views were fabulous.
They were having the annual Hard Rock 100, an endurance run. 100 miles over mountains, through valleys, and across whatever water. The runners crossed this waterfall 3 times on the trail that
zagged up the mountain side.

Besides camping we got to visit with my parents and both of my brothers.
Mom and I sewed together,and the guys went on one Geo-cache hike.
I raided the fabric shelves (and got all that lovely scrappy fabric in the previous post).
We had a terrific time! Thanks Mom and Dad!